Royal-T (Men's Health)

Product Description

Safeguard your well-being with the Royal-T Mineral Supplement, a potent solution uniquely designed to replenish your body's natural mineral reserves and mitigate the harmful effects of environmental pollutants. Our sophisticated formulation is rooted in rigorous science, providing an exceptional blend of essential minerals in true doses that are critical to optimal health and vitality for the Men's Anatomy.

Royal-T is not just about providing what's missing - it also acts as a shield against a world increasingly filled with toxins and pollutants that deplete our body of minerals. The powerful blend of antioxidants and natural detoxifiers helps neutralize harmful free radicals, combat oxidative stress, and gently cleanse your system, all the while fortifying your body against external aggressors. This gives you the dual benefit of both replenishing and protecting, making Royal-T an all-in-one mineral solution for your health needs, without needing to buy individual Mineral products at marked up prices!

Take a step towards a healthier, stronger, and cleaner you. Harness the Royal treatment of your body's natural defenses and enhance your vitality with Royal-T Mineral Supplement. Here's to a life of health and longevity!

Directions / Disclaimer

Directions / BEST way to take product

For standard maintenance dose: take 5 Capsules through the day, preferably divided in meals for best absorption. (If you eat 3 Meals, take 1 Capsule, then 2, and another 2). Be sure to have an adequate sodium intake while taking this product to maximize Mineral Absorption/Utilization (3,500mg-5,000mg Sodium per day). Sodium is an important transporter of minerals into the cells.

If you are an Athlete, have higher physical demands, or are attempting to restore deficiencies:
10 Capsules a day divided in meals is recommended. (If you eat 5 Meals, take 2 with each meal. If you eat 3 meals, take 3 caps with each meal, then 1 capsule with a lighter snack or meal). Be sure to have an adequate sodium intake while taking this product to maximize Mineral Absorption/Utilization (3,500mg-5,000mg Sodium per day) Sodium is an important transporter of minerals into the cells.

Although you may take 5 in one meal, it generally is not recommended.
Do NOT take more than 1 capsule on an empty stomach, as Zinc/Copper/Boron can cause an upset stomach without any food. Taking with a meal high in Dietary Fat will greatly increase bioavailability of Minerals. ASSESS TOLERANCE BEFORE INCREASING DOSE OR TAKING 5 CAPSULES IN ONE SINGLE MEAL.


To Maximize Results, get atleast 1 hour of Direct Sunlight each day while taking this product.

Do NOT take this product on an empty stomach, or if you are not meeting the daily minimum water or salt intake, as it will cause negative side effects such as Nausea, Sudden Fatigue, or Lethargy. Consuming this product without Dietary Fats will greatly reduce the Bioavailability of Minerals. Avoid taking this product while consuming heavily Bromated Foods such as commercial refined breads, pastries, and Vegetable/Seed Oils as well as other processed foods, to reduce detox symptoms.

Customer Reviews

Based on 40 reviews
Kip Hargis
Thank You!

So far so good!

Hands down the best supplement

Been taking Royal-T for 5 months and I can honestly say that it’s the best supplement I’ve taken. Before i always felt my body was missing something. But after taking this product, I feel complete. I don’t lift as much anymore but my body is still lean, more mental clarity, and the libido is through the roof since the Vitamin E and P5P keeps prolactin down.

Great job brother.

Best in the business

Chris is very knowledgeable and very helpful. He ensures that he tests his products way before bringing light to them, ensuring the best outcome to the person who purchases his product. I’ve messaged with him a handful of times and he communicates with you like you’ve known him for years. Can honestly say he’s the best in the business and for him to formulate these types of supplements to call him a genius would be disrespectful to him as a human. Awesome person with an awesome product.

Dr. Doug
Makes me want to make Whoopi MORE!

I didn’t think I had a problem in this dept. until I started feeling like a 20 year old kid again. This product is definitely balancing out the hormones and in the right direction. Very impressed and so is my wife!

Ethan Fraser
The best of the best

just finished my first bottle of Royal-T and all i can say is wow. Honestly didn't really think much would change and that the price was high, but 110% worth every penny. About to order 6 more bottles lol.

Customer Reviews

Based on 40 reviews
Kip Hargis
Thank You!

So far so good!

Hands down the best supplement

Been taking Royal-T for 5 months and I can honestly say that it’s the best supplement I’ve taken. Before i always felt my body was missing something. But after taking this product, I feel complete. I don’t lift as much anymore but my body is still lean, more mental clarity, and the libido is through the roof since the Vitamin E and P5P keeps prolactin down.

Great job brother.

Best in the business

Chris is very knowledgeable and very helpful. He ensures that he tests his products way before bringing light to them, ensuring the best outcome to the person who purchases his product. I’ve messaged with him a handful of times and he communicates with you like you’ve known him for years. Can honestly say he’s the best in the business and for him to formulate these types of supplements to call him a genius would be disrespectful to him as a human. Awesome person with an awesome product.

Dr. Doug
Makes me want to make Whoopi MORE!

I didn’t think I had a problem in this dept. until I started feeling like a 20 year old kid again. This product is definitely balancing out the hormones and in the right direction. Very impressed and so is my wife!

Ethan Fraser
The best of the best

just finished my first bottle of Royal-T and all i can say is wow. Honestly didn't really think much would change and that the price was high, but 110% worth every penny. About to order 6 more bottles lol.